+ Event Details
Territory: Cholamandalam or Coromandal, located northeast of the Pandya territory, between the Pennar and Velur rivers.
Political History: Established a significant political presence under King Karikala around A.D. 100. Elara, a Chola king, conquered Sri Lanka in the middle of the second century B.C.
Capital: Uraiyur, renowned for its cotton trade. Puhar (Kaveripattanam) served as the Chola capital, a bustling center of trade and commerce.
Economy: Thrived on trade in cotton cloth, maintaining an efficient navy that sailed extensively, reaching as far as the Malaya archipelago.
Decline: Under successors of Karikala, Chola power declined rapidly. Kaveripattanam, their capital, was overwhelmed and destroyed, leading to their marginalization in south Indian history from the fourth to the ninth century A.D.
Architecture: Besides their military and economic achievements, the Cholas were known for their architectural prowess. They constructed magnificent temples adorned with intricate carvings and sculptures, showcasing their devotion to religion and art.
Literature and Culture: The Chola period saw a flourishing of Tamil literature and culture. Poets like Ottakoothar and Kambar produced timeless literary works, and the Cholas patronized various art forms, including music and dance.
Maritime Expeditions: Apart from trade, the Cholas undertook ambitious maritime expeditions. They are believed to have sent naval missions as far as Southeast Asia, asserting their dominance in the Indian Ocean trade network.
Legal System: The Cholas had a sophisticated legal system, as evidenced by inscriptions detailing various laws and punishments. They emphasized justice and fair governance, contributing to social stability and order.