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Ancient indian history
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Art and culture
Geography studento
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- ENSO Phenomenon
- Global Climatic Change
- Heat Budget of the Earth
- Hydrological Cycle
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- La Niña
- Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO)
- Monsoons and Jet Streams
- Oceanic Oscillations
- Planetary and Local Winds
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- Law of the Sea
- Marine Pollution
- Marine Resources
- Ocean Currents
- Ocean Deposits
- Ocean Tides
- Ocean Waves
- Salinity of the Oceans
- Salt Budgets of the Ocean
- Sea Level Changes
- Temperature of the Oceans
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- Oceanography - Study of Oceanic Systems and Marine Environments
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Medieval indian history
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- Cultural Contribution of the Deccan States
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- Shah Jahan’s Rebellion: Influence and Succession Issues
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- The Struggle for the Empire in North India: The Lodhi & Gajpati Dynasty
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- The Rajput States - Medieval India
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Modern indian history
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- Ideological Differences: Gandhi vs Bose on Non-Violence, Socialism, and Independence | Studento
- Impact of the Simon Commission and Its Recommendations | Historical Overview | Studento
- Key Tribal Movements in Indian History: Pahariyas’ Rebellion & Chuar Uprising | Studento
- India's Independence and Partition: Key Events, Challenges, and Historical Impact | Studento
- Independence Pledge of January 26, 1930: Key Historical Events and Legacy | Studento
- The Indian National Army and Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose: Legacy, Campaigns, and Impact
- Indian Social Conference: 19th Century Social Reform Movement in India | Studento
- Tribal Uprisings in India: Detailed Timeline, Causes, and Key Leaders | Studento
- Individual Satyagraha: Background, Aims, Key Figures & Outcomes | Studento
- Inevitability of Partition: Causes, Key Events & Perspectives | Studento
- Integration of Indian States: Key Plans, Phases & Strategies | Studento
- Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar: Social Reforms, Women's Education & Legacy | Studento
- Jinnah's Amendments & Fourteen Points: Demands for Autonomy & Representation | Studento
- John Lawrence's Masterly Inactivity: Strategic Policy for Frontier Peace (1864-1869) | Studento
- Kakori Conspiracy Case (1925): Revolutionaries and Their Legacy
- Karachi Congress Session—1931: Key Resolutions and Impact on India's Struggle for Independence | Studento
- Kheda Satyagraha (1918): Gandhi's First Non-Cooperation Movement & Tax Revolt | Studento
- Khond Uprisings (1837-1856): Rebellion, Leadership, and Impact | Studento
- Kol Mutiny of 1831: Causes, Events, and Impact | Studento
- Kolhapur and Savantvadi Revolts: Causes and Government Response | Studento
- Koli and Ramosi Risings: Causes, Events, and Key Figures | Studento
- Koya Revolts: Timeline, Leaders, and Causes | Studento
- Kuka Movement: Origins, Goals, and Suppression | Studento
- Kutch Rebellion (1816-1832): Power Struggles and British Intervention | Studento
- Lahore Congress and the Declaration of Purna Swaraj - Key Historical Events | Studento
- Last Two Years of British Rule in India: Key Events and Developments | Studento
- Lucknow Session of the Indian National Congress (1916): Key Events & Impact | Studento
- Lytton’s Proud Reserve Policy and Second Anglo-Afghan War | Treaty of Gandamak Explained
- Major Approaches to the History of Modern India | Studento
- Major Protests and Strikes of Winter 1945-46 | Studento
- Making of Gandhi: Early Career, Satyagraha, and Key Events in South Africa | Studento
- Era of Militant Nationalism (1905-1909): Key Events and Movements | Studento
- Military Under the British - Key Historical Changes and Policies | Studento
- Sources for history of Modern India
- Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms and Government of India Act, 1919 | Key Features & Drawbacks | Studento
- Montagu’s Statement of August 1917: Key Points & Indian Reactions | Studento
- Morley-Minto Reforms of 1909: Impact and Criticisms | Studento
- Mysore's Resistance to the British East India Company: Haidar Ali and Tipu Sultan's Legacy - Studento
- Emergence of Gandhi: Post-World War I Nationalist Resurgence | Studento
- The Nehru Report: Drafting India's Constitutional Framework | Key Recommendations | Studento
- Aspects of the New Phase of Revolutionary Movement in Bengal | Studento
- Non-Cooperation and Khilafat Movement Timeline: Key Events, Chauri Chaura & Gandhi’s Arrest | Studento
- Non-Cooperation Movement and Khilafat Aandolan: Uniting India Against British Rule | Studento
- Singphos Rebellion of North-East India | Studento
- Khasi Uprising & North-East Tribal Movements: Causes, Leaders, and Outcomes | Studento
- First World War & Indian Nationalist Response | Studento
- Paika Rebellion (1817): Causes, Key Figures, and Aftermath | Studento
- Parlakimedi Outbreak (1813-1834): Zamindar Resistance and British Response | Studento
- Parsi Reform Movements | Religious & Social Reforms in the Parsi Community | Studento
- Peasant Movements with Religious Overtones: Uprisings and Their Impact | Studento
- People’s Resistance Against British Rule Before 1857: Early Revolts and Uprisings
- Poligars' Revolt (1795-1805): Key Events and Leaders | Studento
- Political Associations Before the Indian National Congress | Key Historical Groups | Studento
- Poona Pact - Key Historical Event and Its Impact | Studento
- Timelines of Key Portuguese Administrators in India: Vasco Da Gama, Francisco De Almeida, Alfonso de Albuquerque, and Nino da Cunha
- Portuguese Entry and Establishment in India
- Portuguese lose favour with mughals: Vasco Da Gama, Francisco De Almeida, Alfonso de Albuquerque, and Nino da Cunha
- Portuguese state in India: Vasco Da Gama, Francisco De Almeida, Alfonso de Albuquerque, and Nino da Cunha
- Post-War National Scenario: Mass Movements and Political Upheaval | Studento
- Pre-Congress Campaigns | Key Movements and Agitations in Indian History | Studento
- The Quest for and Discovery of a Sea Route to India
- Quit India Movement - Key Events and Impact | Studento
- Radhaswami Movement: Founder, Beliefs, and Practices | Studento
- Raja Rammohan Roy & Brahmo Samaj: Reform & Legacy | Studento
- Rajagopalachari Formula (CR Plan) - 1944: Context, Main Points, and Objections | Studento
- The Ramakrishna Movement and Swami Vivekananda: Spiritual Reform and Legacy | Studento
- Ranjit Singh and the English: Treaty of Amritsar and Punjab After His Reign
- Relations of British India with Neighbouring Countries | Anglo-Nepalese Relations | Anglo-Bhutanese Relations
- Resistance of Kerala Varma Pazhassi Raja (1797; 1800-05): Struggle Against British Rule | Studento
- Revolt of Dhundia in Bednur (1799-1800): Campaigns, Death, and Legacy | Studento
- Revolt in Midnapore and Dhalbhum (1766-74) | Studento
- The Revolt of 1857: Storm centers & leaders of the revolt
- The Revolt of 1857: Consequences, Significance & Suppression | Studento
- The Revolt of 1857: Reasons for the Revolt's Failure and Hindu-Muslim Unity | Studento
- The Revolt of 1857: Analysis on the Nature of Revolt | Studento
- The Revolt of 1857: Summary of the Revolt | Studento
- Revolt of Raja of Vizianagaram (1794): Causes, Conflict, and Aftermath | Studento
- Revolutionaries in Europe and Singapore Mutiny - A Brief History | Studento
- Revolutionary Activity During the 1920s: Key Events and Influences | Studento
- Revolutionary Activity in Punjab, UP, and Bihar: HRA & HSRA | Studento
- Rise and Spread of Communalism in India: Historical Context & Key Factors | Studento
- Rise of Regional States in Mughal India: Comprehensive Analysis | Studento
- Conquest of Sindh: Key Events in the Early 19th Century | Studento
- Rising at Bareilly (1816): Causes, Events, and Suppression | Studento
- The Round Table Conferences: Participants, Outcomes, and Impact | Studento
- Rowlatt Act, Satyagraha, and Jallianwala Bagh Massacre: Key Events of 1919 | Studento
- Run-Up to Civil Disobedience Movement - Key Historical Events | Studento
- The Santhal Rebellion (1855-56): Causes, Leaders, and Impact | Studento
- The Sanyasi Revolt: Early Resistance Against British Rule in India
- Jyotiba Phule and Satyashodhak Samaj - Social Reform in Maharashtra | Studento
- Second Anglo-Maratha War (1803-1805) - Background, Major Events & Treaty of Bassein - Studento
- Second Anglo-Mysore War - Major Battles & Treaty of Mangalore - Studento
- Second Anglo-Sikh War (1848-49) - Causes, Course, and Results- Studento
- Second World War and Nationalistic Response | Studento
- Sepoy Mutinies: Causes and Key Uprisings Before 1857 | Studento
- Gopal Krishna Gokhale and the Servants of India Society - Reform and Service | Studento
- Seva Sadan, Dev Samaj, and Dharma Sabha: Founders, Missions, and Impact | Studento
- Portuguese Administrators in India: Vasco Da Gama, Francisco De Almeida, Alfonso de Albuquerque, and Nino da Cunha, Significance of Portuguese
- Significance of Reform Movements | Positive & Negative Aspects | Studento
- Sikh Reform Movements | Singh Sabha & Akali Movements | Studento
- Simon Commission: Key Events and Responses | Historical Insights | Studento
- Sir Syed Ahmed Khan & Aligarh Movement | Contributions & Impact | Studento
- Social and Ideological Bases of Reform in 19th Century India | Studento
- Social Service League: Founding, Activities, and Trade Union Congress | Studento
- Socio-Economic Conditions in 18th Century India
- Sree Narayana Guru Dharma Paripalana (SNDP) Movement: Founder, Philosophy, and Impact | Studento
- Struggle Against Caste-Based Exploitation in Modern India | Studento
- Subhash Chandra Bose’s Views and Actions | Studento
- Subsidiary Alliance in British India: History, Impact, and Evolution
- Surat Salt Agitations (1840s): Causes, Reactions, and Government Response | Studento
- The Surat Split: Key Events in Indian National Congress History | Studento
- A Survey of Revolutionary Activities in Early 20th Century India | Studento
- Swadeshi Movement and Boycott Movement - Bengal Partition, Indian Nationalism, Independence & Freedom Struggle | Studento
- The Swarajist Manifesto: Key Activities, Achievements, and Challenges | Studento
- Temple Entry Movement - Social Reform in Kerala | Studento
- The Cabinet Mission 1946: Key Points, Plan, and Reactions | Studento
- The Revolt of 1857: Causes, Events, and Impact | Studento
- The Theosophical Movement | Founding, Aims & Impact
- Third Anglo-Maratha War (1817-1819) - Key Events, Background, and Outcomes | Studento
- Third Anglo-Mysore War - Key Events & Treaty of Seringapatam | Studento
- Titu Mir's Movement: Advocacy and Resistance in 19th Century Bengal | Studento
- Characteristics of Tribal Revolts: Key Traits and Patterns
- Exploring Tribal Revolts: Mainland vs. North-Eastern Uprisings
- Upsurge in Hathras (1817): Causes, Resistance, and Resolution | Studento
- Uprisings in Ganjam and Gumsur (1800, 1835-37): Key Events and Outcomes
- Uprisings in Palamau (1800-02): Rebellion and Suppression | Studento
- Vokkaliga Sangha, Justice Movement & Self-Respect Movement | Studento
- Waghera Uprising (1818-1820): Causes, Events, and Impact | Studento
- Wahabi Movement: Origins, Goals, and Impact | Studento
- Wahabi/Walliullah Movement: Revival and Political Impact in India | Studento
- Wavell Plan - 1945: Background, Proposal, and Outcomes | Studento
- Weaknesses of People’s Uprisings: Key Challenges and Limitations | Studento
- When Did the British Period Begin in India? | Causes of British Success in India
- Why Gandhi Withdrew the Non-Cooperation Movement: Key Reasons & Impact | Studento
- Why the Marathas Lost to the British: Key Causes of Defeat in the Third Anglo-Maratha War | Studento
- Young Bengal Movement and Henry Vivian Derozio: Radical Thinkers of Bengal Renaissance | Studento
Spiritual mysticism
World history
- Ancient World History Syllabus | Key Topics, Civilizations & Historical Sites
- Medieval World History Syllabus | Key Topics, Historical Civilizations & Cultural Developments
- 18th Century Political Symbols and Revolutionary Ideas | Studento
- The 1917 Russian Revolution: A Turning Point in World History | Studento
- Hitler, Nazism, and World War II: Ideology, Youth, and Propaganda
- Alienation and Coups in Revolutionary France: Causes and Political Impact | Studento
- Battle of Ideologies: Liberals, Radicals, Conservatives, and Socialism | Studento
- Bolshevik Ideals vs. Private Property: Radical Reforms That Shaped Soviet Russia | Studento
- The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen in the French Revolution | Studento
- Storming of Bastille, Riots, Financial Crisis & Social Structure in French Revolution | Studento
- History of the French Revolution: Key Events, Figures, and Impact
- Germany's Defeat and the Establishment of Weimar Republic | Studento
- History of World War 1
- Hitler's Economic Policies, Foreign Policy, and World War II | Studento
- Hitler's Rise to Power, Nazi State Formation, and Political Strategy | Studento
- Louis XVI and the Estates General in the French Revolution | Studento
- A Comprehensive History: From Pre-Modern Societies to the Post-War Economic Rebuilding
- Napoleon’s Conscription System and Legacy | Studento
- The Civil Code and Napoleon's Reforms: Legacy of the Napoleonic Era | Studento
- Nazi Education, Youth Indoctrination, and the Cult of Motherhood | Studento
- Nazi Germany 1945: Genocide, Nuremberg Trials, and Hitler's Surrender | Studento
- Nazi Ideology, Beliefs, and the Holocaust | Studento
- The Art of Nazi Propaganda and its Impact | Studento
- Nazism, Adolf Hitler, and Global Impact | Studento
- Petrograd's Harsh Winter of 1917: The Spark That Ignited the Russian Revolution | Studento
- The Reign of Terror in the French Revolution | Studento
- History of the Russian Revolution: Key Events, Figures, and Impact
- The Situation in France After the Revolution | Studento
- Soviet Centralized Economic Planning: From Agrarian Backwardness to Industrial Power | Studento
- Stages of Jewish Persecution Under the Nazis | Studento
- Modern World History Syllabus | Key Events, Global Movements & Historical Developments
- The Consulate and Napoleon: Political Reforms and Rise to Power | Studento
- Napoleon and the French Revolution: Conscription, Impact, and Legacy
- The French Revolution: Causes, Key Events, and Legacy | Studento
- The Russian Revolution of 1917: Causes, Key Events, and Legacy | Studento
- The Russian Revolution’s Global Legacy: How the USSR Transformed the World’s Political Landscape | Studento
- Germany's Defeat and the Establishment of Weimar Republic | Studento
- Women's Participation in the French Revolution | Studento