Explore the key geomorphic processes including endogenic and exogenic forces, weathering, erosion, mass movements, and soil formation. Learn about the forces shaping Earth's surface through geological activities and processes.
Geomorphic processes: Endogenic/ Exogenic forces, weathering, erosion, mass movements and soil formation
Geomorphic Processes: Endogenic and Exogenic Forces, Weathering, Erosion, Mass Movements, and Soil Formationy
The Earth’s Crust is Dynamic:
The earth’s crust moves vertically and horizontally. Movements were faster in the past compared to the present.
Internal forces within the earth are responsible for building up the crust and causing variations on its outer surface.
Forces Shaping the Earth's Surface:
External Forces (Exogenic Forces):
Powered by energy from the sun.
Cause degradation (wearing down of elevations) and aggradation (filling up of depressions).
Result in erosion, leading to gradation—the wearing down of relief variations.
Internal Forces (Endogenic Forces):
Originate from within the earth.
Continuously elevate or build up parts of the earth’s surface.
Known as land-building forces.
Dynamic Balance Between Forces:
Exogenic and endogenic forces work in opposition.
As long as both forces continue, relief variations remain on the earth’s surface.
Impact of Human Activity:
The earth’s surface is sensitive and essential for human sustenance.
Overuse of resources has caused extensive environmental damage.
Precautions are necessary to minimise detrimental effects and preserve the surface for the future.
Long-Term Formation of Surface Features:
Most surface forms have developed over hundreds and thousands of years.
Human misuse has accelerated the loss of potential for the earth’s surface to sustain life.
Understanding geomorphic processes can help ensure sustainable use.
Definition of Geomorphic Processes
Definition of Geomorphic Processes:
Geomorphic processes are the actions of endogenic and exogenic forces that cause physical stress and chemical reactions on earth materials.
These processes bring about changes in the configuration of the earth's surface.
Types of Geomorphic Processes:
Endogenic Processes:
Include diastrophism and volcanism.
Originate from forces within the earth.
Exogenic Processes:
Include weathering, mass wasting, erosion, and deposition.
Operate on the earth’s surface, primarily influenced by external forces like water, ice, and wind.
Geomorphic Agents:
Any exogenic element of nature capable of acquiring and transporting earth materials.
Examples: Running water, groundwater, glaciers, wind, waves, and currents.
When these agents become mobile due to gradients, they remove, transport, and deposit materials over slopes and at lower levels.
Distinction Between Geomorphic Agents and Processes:
Process: A force applied to earth materials causing changes.
Agent: A mobile medium (e.g., water, wind, ice) that moves, transports, and deposits materials.
In many cases, geomorphic agents and processes (especially exogenic) are considered the same unless specified otherwise.
The Role of Gravity:
Gravity is a directional force that activates all downslope movements of matter.
It causes stresses on earth materials, indirectly activating wave- and tide-induced currents and winds.
Without gravity and gradients, there would be no erosion, transportation, or deposition.
All movements (internal and surface) are due to gradients (e.g., high to low levels, high to low pressure).
Endogenic Processes
Definition of Endogenic Processes:
Endogenic processes are powered by energy emanating from within the earth.
This energy is generated by:
Rotational and tidal friction
Primordial heat from the earth's origin
It creates geothermal gradients and heat flow, inducing diastrophism and volcanism.
The crustal surface is uneven due to variations in geothermal gradients, heat flow, crustal thickness, and strength.
Processes that move, elevate, or build up portions of the earth’s crust.
Types of diastrophism:
Orogenic processes: Mountain-building processes involving severe folding, affecting long and narrow crustal belts.
Epeirogenic processes: Uplift or warping of large parts of the crust, contributing to continental building.
Earthquakes: Local, relatively minor movements of the crust.
Plate tectonics: Horizontal movements of crustal plates.
Effects of diastrophism:
Orogeny: Severe deformation of the crust into folds; primarily a mountain-building process.
Epeirogeny: Simple deformation; primarily a continental-building process.
Faulting and fracturing of the crust due to tectonic activity.
Induces pressure, volume, and temperature (PVT) changes, leading to rock metamorphism.
Involves the movement of molten rock (magma) toward or onto the earth’s surface.
Includes the formation of intrusive and extrusive volcanic forms.
Plays a critical role in shaping the earth's crust through volcanic activity.
Key Differences Between Orogeny and Epeirogeny:
Orogeny: Involves severe deformation and folding, primarily responsible for mountain building.
Epeirogeny: Involves simple deformation or warping, primarily responsible for continental building.
Exogenic Processes
Definition of Exogenic Processes:
Exogenic processes derive their energy from the atmosphere, primarily influenced by the sun and gradients created by tectonic factors.
These processes act upon the earth’s surface and involve weathering, mass movements, erosion, and transportation.
Role of Slopes and Gradients:
Slopes or gradients are created by tectonic forces, influenced by crustal movements.
Gravitational force acts on materials with sloping surfaces, inducing downslope movement.
Stress is applied per unit area, causing deformation and breaking rocks through shear stresses.
Factors such as temperature changes, crystallization, and melting also contribute to stress on earth materials.
Climatic Influence on Exogenic Processes:
Key climatic elements: Temperature and precipitation.
Climatic factors create variations in:
Thermal gradients (due to latitudinal, seasonal, and land-water differences).
Vegetation density and type, which indirectly influence processes.
Local effects caused by altitudinal differences, slope orientation, and solar insolation.
Additional factors include wind velocity, precipitation intensity, and temperature variations like freezing and thawing.
The term "denudation" refers to processes that strip off or uncover the earth’s surface.
Mass wasting/movements
Role of Rock Type and Structure:
The type and structure of rocks influence the intensity of exogenic processes.
Key structural aspects of rocks:
Folds and faults
Presence or absence of joints and bedding planes
Hardness or softness of minerals
Chemical susceptibility of minerals
Permeability or impermeability
Resistance to processes varies by rock type and climatic conditions, resulting in differential rates of erosion and variations in topography.
Key Observations:
Exogenic processes operate slowly but cause significant changes over time due to continued fatigue.
Surface differences are influenced by:
Original crustal evolution
Type and structure of materials
Rates of geomorphic processes
The long-term effects of these processes contribute to topographical diversity.
Weathering & Associated Processes
Definition of Weathering:
Weathering refers to the mechanical disintegration and chemical decomposition of rocks caused by elements of weather and climate.
An in-situ process, meaning it occurs on-site with little or no movement of materials.
Factors Influencing Weathering:
Controlled by geological, climatic, topographic, and vegetative factors.
Climate plays a key role, influencing:
The type of weathering processes.
The depth of weathering mantle in different climatic regimes.
Types of Weathering Processes:
Chemical Weathering:
Includes processes like solution, carbonation, hydration, oxidation, and reduction.
Acts through chemical reactions with oxygen, water, and acids.
Plant and animal decomposition increases underground carbon dioxide, enhancing chemical reactions.
Causes rock fracture due to processes like thermal expansion and pressure release.
Biological Weathering:
Involves removal or addition of minerals and ions by organisms.
Organisms like earthworms and termites expose new rock surfaces to weathering.
Plant roots and human activities (ploughing, cultivating) mechanically and chemically affect earth materials.
Special Effects of Weathering:
A result of unloading, thermal contraction and expansion, or salt weathering.
Leads to flaking off of curved sheets or shells, creating smooth and rounded surfaces.
Forms features like exfoliation domes and tors.
Significance of Weathering:
Landform Development:
Prepares rocks for erosion and mass movements.
Facilitates soil formation and supports biomes and biodiversity.
Economic Importance:
Enriches valuable minerals like iron, manganese, aluminum, and copper through leaching.
Increases the concentration of economically viable materials through enrichment.
Acts as a precursor to processes like mass wasting, erosion, and relief reduction.
Mass Movements
Definition of Mass Movements:
Mass movements refer to the transfer of rock debris and materials down slopes under the direct influence of gravity.
Unlike erosion, geomorphic agents such as water, air, or ice do not transport debris; instead, the debris may carry these elements.
Characteristics of Mass Movements:
Can vary in speed from slow to rapid.
Include processes such as creep, flow, slide, and fall.
Commonly occur on weathered slopes but can happen on unweathered surfaces as well.
Conditions Favoring Mass Movements:
Weak, unconsolidated materials or thinly bedded rocks.
Steeply dipping beds, vertical cliffs, or steep slopes.
Abundant precipitation or torrential rains.
Scarcity of vegetation.
Disturbing factors such as:
Removal of support from below through natural or artificial means.
Overloading by natural deposits, artificial filling, or rainfall.
Earthquakes, explosions, or machinery activity.
Natural seepage or heavy drawdown of water.
Removal of natural vegetation.
Types of Mass Movements:
Relatively rapid and perceptible movements involving dry materials.
Types include:
Slump: Sliding of rock debris with a backward rotation.
Debris slide: Rapid sliding without backward rotation.
Debris fall: Free fall of debris from a vertical or overhanging face.
Rockslide: Sliding of rock masses along joints, bedding, or fault planes.
Rock fall: Free fall of rock blocks, distinguishing it from deeper rockslides.
Upward movement of soil due to frost growth or other causes.
Movement where materials behave like a viscous fluid.
Includes solifluction, particularly in areas with freeze-thaw cycles.
Special Cases in India:
Frequent debris avalanches and landslides due to:
Tectonic activity and steep slopes.
Sedimentary, unconsolidated, and semi-consolidated rocks.
Western Ghats and Nilgiris:
Less frequent but still prone to landslides due to:
Steep slopes and escarpments.
Pronounced mechanical weathering from temperature changes.
Heavy rainfall over short periods causing rock falls and debris avalanches.
Erosion, Deposition & it's Agents
Definition of Erosion:
Erosion refers to the acquisition and transportation of rock debris by geomorphic agents.
It involves the breakdown of massive rocks into smaller fragments through weathering or other processes and their subsequent removal.
Geomorphic Agents of Erosion:
Running Water: A liquid agent influenced by climatic conditions.
Groundwater: Works based on the permeability and solubility of rocks, leading to karst topography.
Glaciers: Solid agents influenced by temperature and climatic changes.
Wind: A gaseous agent controlled by atmospheric conditions.
Waves: Erosion caused at the coastal interface of the lithosphere and hydrosphere, independent of climate.
Process of Erosion:
Geomorphic agents acquire and transport fragmented rock material.
Abrasion by rock debris carried by these agents aids the erosion process.
Results in landscape degradation and the continuous transformation of the earth’s surface.
Kinetic energy is a key driver of erosion and transportation processes.
Comparison of Climatically Controlled Agents:
Wind: A gaseous agent operating in arid and semi-arid climates.
Running Water: A liquid agent shaping landforms in humid and semi-humid regions.
Glaciers: Solid agents active in cold climates, carving unique landforms.
Occurs when erosional agents lose velocity and energy on gentler slopes.
Involves the settling of transported materials, starting with coarser particles and followed by finer ones.
Fills depressions and creates aggradational landforms.
Significance of Erosion and Deposition:
Erosion is responsible for the earth’s dynamic surface changes.
Deposition leads to the formation of new landforms, including plains, deltas, and alluvial fans.
Both processes work together in shaping and reshaping the landscape.
Definition of Soil & Characterstics
Definition of Soil:
Soil is a dynamic medium where chemical, physical, and biological activities occur continuously.
It serves as both a result of decay and a medium for growth.
Soil properties fluctuate with the seasons, being alternately cold and warm, or dry and moist.
Biological activity in the soil slows or stops when it becomes too cold or dry.
Key Characteristics of Soil:
Organic matter in the soil increases with the falling of leaves and dying of grasses.
Soil has a porous structure, allowing it to retain water and permit air passage.
It supports plant growth and fosters ecosystems for organisms like bacteria, mosses, lichens, and burrowing animals.
Process of Soil Formation (Pedogenesis):
Weathering: The weathering mantle (depth of weathered material) is the primary input for soil formation.
Colonisation: Bacteria, mosses, and lichens colonize weathered material or transported deposits.
Organic Contributions:
Dead remains of organisms and plants accumulate, contributing to humus formation.
Humus enriches the soil, increasing its fertility.
Plant Growth:
Minor grasses and ferns grow first, followed by bushes and trees from seeds dispersed by birds and wind.
Roots penetrate the soil, aiding in its structure and nutrient cycling.
Animal Activity: Burrowing animals mix soil particles, making the soil more porous and sponge-like.
Mature Soil Formation: Over time, a mature soil develops as a complex mixture of mineral and organic components.
Significance of Soil:
Soil supports plant growth and forms the basis of terrestrial ecosystems.
It regulates water flow, stores nutrients, and fosters biodiversity.
Mature soils are critical for sustainable agriculture and maintaining ecological balance.
Soil Forming Factors
Five Soil-Forming Factors:
Parent Material: The original material from which soil forms, such as weathered rock debris or transported deposits.
Topography: The shape and features of the land surface, influencing erosion, drainage, and exposure to sunlight.
Climate: A dynamic factor, including moisture, temperature, and precipitation patterns, affecting soil development.
Biological Activity: The role of organisms like plants, bacteria, and animals in contributing organic matter and aiding soil formation.
Time: The duration over which soil-forming processes operate, influencing the maturity and profile development of soil.
Details of Each Factor:
Parent Material:
Passive factor in soil formation.
Includes residual soils (in-situ) and transported soils (brought from elsewhere).
Soil characteristics depend on texture, structure, and mineral composition of parent material.
Young soils often show strong links to parent material; mature soils may not.
Passive factor affecting soil thickness and water drainage.
Steep slopes have thin soils due to erosion; flat areas accumulate thicker soils with organic matter.
Gentle slopes favor better soil development due to slower erosion and good water percolation.
Active factor influencing moisture and temperature dynamics.
Precipitation controls soil moisture, enabling chemical and biological activities.
High rainfall can cause eluviation (leaching) and illuviation (deposition).
High temperatures increase chemical activity; freezing slows it down.
Specific processes like desilication (silica removal) and hardpan formation occur in extreme climates.
Biological Activity:
Plants, bacteria, and animals contribute organic matter and enhance soil structure.
Dead plants create humus; bacterial activity aids in nitrogen fixation for plant use.
Cold climates have slow bacterial activity, leading to humus accumulation and peat layers.
Animals like earthworms and termites mechanically rework the soil, improving its properties.
Determines soil maturity and profile development.
Mature soils show well-developed horizons, while young soils lack distinct layers.
The duration required for soil maturity varies based on environmental factors.
Significance of Passive Factors:
Parent material, topography, and time are termed passive because they set the stage for active factors like climate and biological activity to operate.
These factors influence the initial conditions and long-term potential for soil formation.
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