Comprehensive information about the Indus Valley Civilization including its urban planning, economic life, and historical significance for UPSC aspirants.

Indus Valley Civilization Overview

Indus Valley Civilisation

  • Civilisation of Earliest Cities
  • This chapter provides a comprehensive exploration of the earliest cities that emerged during the Indus Valley Civilization (IVC), with a particular focus on the urban centers of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro.

    • Urban Layout: The layout of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro reflects meticulous urban planning, characterized by well-organized streets laid out in a grid pattern.
    • Architecture: The architectural achievements of the IVC cities are notable for their use of standardized baked bricks, which were employed in the construction of buildings, walls, and public infrastructure.
    • Economic Life: The economy of the IVC was multifaceted, supported by agriculture, trade, and craft specialization.
    • Social Organization: The social structure of the IVC was possibly hierarchical, with evidence of differentiated housing, public amenities, and craft specialization.
    • Trade and Contacts: The IVC was well-connected to other contemporary civilizations through trade routes extending to regions as distant as Mesopotamia and Central Asia.
  • What Burials Tell Us
  • The material culture, burial practices, and writing systems of the Indus Valley Civilization (IVC), offering valuable insights into various aspects of its societal and cultural life.

    • Artifact Analysis: Archaeological excavations have unearthed a plethora of artifacts, including pottery, seals, terracotta figurines, and metal objects.
    • Burial Practices: Burial sites in the IVC reveal diverse burial customs, with some graves containing elaborate grave goods such as pottery, ornaments, and tools.
    • Writing Systems: The script of the IVC, found on seals, pottery, and other objects, remains undeciphered, posing a significant challenge to scholars attempting to unlock its secrets.
    • Cultural Exchange: The presence of artifacts, trade goods, and cultural motifs from distant regions suggests that the IVC was actively engaged in long-distance trade and cultural exchanges.

India and the Contemporary World – I

  • The Story of the First Cities: Harappan Archaeology
  • A detailed examination of Harappan archaeology, providing insights into the urban planning, economic organization, and eventual decline of the IVC.

    • Excavations: Archaeological excavations at Harappa, Mohenjo-Daro, and other sites have unearthed the material remains of the Harappan civilization, including structures, artifacts, and infrastructure.
    • Urban Planning: The cities of the IVC were meticulously planned, with streets laid out in a grid pattern and structures constructed with standardized bricks.
    • Economic Structure: The economy of the IVC was based on a combination of agriculture, trade, and craft specialization.
    • Social Hierarchy: The social structure of the IVC was possibly hierarchical, with evidence of differentiated housing, public amenities, and occupational specialization.
    • Decline: The decline of the IVC remains a subject of debate among historians and archaeologists, with various theories proposed to explain its collapse.
  • Writing and Scripts: The Beginning of Writing
  • This chapter examines the origins and significance of writing systems, including the script of the Indus Valley Civilization, and the challenges associated with deciphering ancient scripts.

    • Script Decipherment: The script of the IVC remains undeciphered, posing a significant challenge to scholars attempting to unlock its secrets.
    • Communication: The presence of seals, inscriptions, and other written artifacts suggests that writing played a crucial role in administrative, commercial, and possibly religious activities during the IVC period.
    • Cultural Expression: The script of the IVC, if deciphered, could provide invaluable insights into the cultural and intellectual achievements of the civilization.
    • Comparative Study: Comparative studies with other ancient scripts may offer clues for deciphering the Indus script.

Year-wise UPSC Questions and Topics

UPSC Prelims and Mains: Selected Questions

  • 2010:

    • Prelims: Which one of the following sites of the Indus Valley Civilization had an ancient dockyard?
    • Answer: Lothal.
    • Mains: Discuss the significant features of urban planning in the Indus Valley Civilization.
    • Elaboration: Focus on the grid system, drainage, public baths, and granaries.
  • 2012:

    • Prelims: Consider the following statements regarding the Indus Valley Civilization:
      • The predominant type of dwelling house was the courtyard house.
      • Seals and pots suggest a trading society.
    • Answer: Both statements are correct.
    • Mains: Examine the economic life of the Indus Valley people.
    • Elaboration: Include agriculture, trade (internal and external), crafts, and standardized weights and measures.
  • 2014:

    • Prelims: Which of the following Harappan sites is located in Gujarat?
    • Answer: Dholavira.
    • Mains: Explain the decline of the Indus Valley Civilization.
    • Elaboration: Discuss possible reasons such as climate change, natural disasters, and Aryan invasions.
  • 2017:

    • Prelims: Which one of the following pairs of Harappan sites and their locations is correctly matched?
    • Answer: Rakhigarhi - Haryana.
    • Mains: Describe the town planning of the Indus Valley Civilization with reference to its features and layout.
    • Elaboration: Discuss the layout of streets, houses, public buildings, and the advanced drainage system.
  • 2019:

    • Prelims: Which one of the following was a unique feature of the Harappan Civilization?
    • Answer: The use of baked bricks in construction.
    • Mains: Discuss the contributions of the Indus Valley Civilization to art and craft.
    • Elaboration: Focus on pottery, bead-making, terracotta figurines, metallurgy, and seals.
  • 2022:

    • Prelims: Which one of the following statements about Harappan Civilization is correct?
    • Answer: The people of Harappa had a sophisticated drainage system.
    • Mains: Evaluate the significance of seals and script in the Indus Valley Civilization.
    • Elaboration: Discuss the role of seals in trade, their artistic significance, and the mystery of the undeciphered script.