Learn about Namdev's devotion to God and his contributions to Sikhism and the Bhakti movement through his hymns in the Guru Granth Sahib.

Namdev and Sikhism Bhakti


Namdev (c. 1270 - c. 1350), also known as Nam Dayv, Namdeo, or Namadeva, was a prominent Marathi Vaishnava saint from Narsi, Hingoli, Maharashtra, India. He was a devoted follower of the deity Vithoba of Pandharpur, and his contributions to the Varkari tradition of Hinduism have left a lasting impact.

His devotional hymns, which focus on the worship of God, were included in the Guru Granth Sahib, the central religious scripture of Sikhism.

Namdev’s hymns emphasize the importance of devotion (Bhakti) to the one formless God. His teachings transcend social divisions and are marked by a deep sense of humility, love, and spiritual connection with the divine. He is revered not only in Sikhism but also in Vaishnavism, for his unwavering devotion to God.

Life & Works

Legacy & Influence


Namdev's life and teachings continue to inspire and influence people across India. His emphasis on bhakti, social inclusivity, and the oneness of all beings remains relevant today. His bhajans, filled with love, devotion, and simple yet profound wisdom, continue to resonate with listeners and serve as a source of spiritual guidance for generations.
