Covers all the topics of Modern Indian History from the perspective of civil services preparation.

Modern Indian History Mindmaps

Sources for the History of Modern India

Major Approaches to the History of Modern India

Advent of the Europeans in India

India on the Eve of British Conquest

Expansion and Consolidation of British Power in India

People’s Resistance Against British Before 1857

The Revolt of 1857

Socio-Religious Reform Movements: General Features

A General Survey of Socio-Cultural Reform Movements

Beginning of Modern Nationalism in India

Indian National Congress: Foundation and the Moderate Phase

Era of Militant Nationalism (1905-1909)

First Phase of Revolutionary Activities (1907-1917)

First World War and Nationalist Response

Emergence of Gandhi

Non-Cooperation Movement and Khilafat Aandolan

Emergence of Swarajists, Socialist Ideas, Revolutionary Activities and Other New Forces

Simon Commission and the Nehru Report

Civil Disobedience Movement and Round Table Conferences

Debates on the Future Strategy after Civil Disobedience Movement

Congress Rule in Provinces

Nationalist Response in the Wake of World War II

Quit India Movement, Demand for Pakistan, and the INA

Post-War National Scenario

Independence with Partition

Constitutional, Administrative and Judicial Developments
