Dive into the details of Hitler's economic strategies, international political maneuvers, and the events that set the stage for World War II.
Hitler's Economic & Foreign Policies and World War II
Hitler’s Economic Policies:
Responsibility for economic recovery was given to Hjalmar Schacht, an economist.
Schacht's goals:
Achieve full production and full employment.
Implemented a state-funded work-creation programme.
Key achievements:
Construction of famous German superhighways.
Introduction of the Volkswagen, the “people’s car.”
Hitler’s Foreign Policy Successes:
Quick successes reversed Germany's fortunes:
1933: Germany withdrew from the League of Nations.
1936: Reoccupation of the Rhineland.
1938: Integration of Austria with Germany under the slogan:
“One people, One empire, One leader.”
Seized Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia and later annexed the entire country.
England’s unspoken support enabled these actions, as many viewed the Versailles Treaty as too harsh.
Shift Towards Militarism and Expansion:
Schacht advised against excessive rearmament due to deficit financing, but Hitler dismissed cautious approaches.
Chose war as a solution to the economic crisis and for territorial expansion:
September 1939: Germany invaded Poland, initiating war with France and England.
September 1940: Signed the Tripartite Pact with Italy and Japan, strengthening international power.
Installed puppet regimes across Europe, consolidating Nazi influence.
Hitler’s Eastern Ambitions and the Soviet Conflict:
Long-term goal: Conquer Eastern Europe for:
Ensuring food supplies.
Providing “living space” for Germans.
June 1941: Germany attacked the Soviet Union, but this was a historic blunder:
Exposed the western front to British bombing.
Soviet Red Army crushed Germany at Stalingrad and pursued retreating forces to Berlin.
Outcome: Soviet hegemony over Eastern Europe for half a century.
US Involvement in the War:
The USA initially resisted involvement due to:
Economic challenges from World War I.
Japan's expansionist actions:
Occupation of French Indo-China.
Plans to attack US naval bases in the Pacific.
December 1941: Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, prompting US entry into World War II.
End of the War:
May 1945: The war ended with:
Hitler’s defeat.
The US dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
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