Dive into the details of Hitler's economic strategies, international political maneuvers, and the events that set the stage for World War II.
Stages of Jewish Persecution Under the Nazis
Persecution of Jewish and stages of persecution
Step for Death: Stage 1 - Exclusion (1933-1939)
Slogan: "You have no right to live among us as citizens."
The Nuremberg Laws (September 1935):
Only persons of German or related blood were considered German citizens.
Marriages between Jews and Germans were forbidden.
Extramarital relations between Jews and Germans became a crime.
Jews were forbidden to fly the national flag.
Other Legal Measures:
Boycott of Jewish businesses.
Expulsion from government services.
Forced selling and confiscation of Jewish properties.
Pogrom of November 1938: Known as ‘the night of broken glass’:
Jewish properties vandalized and looted.
Homes attacked, synagogues burnt.
Men arrested in large numbers.
Step for Death: Stage 2 - Ghettoisation (1940-1944)
Slogan: "You have no right to live among us."
Marking Jews:
From September 1941, all Jews had to wear a yellow Star of David on their chests.
This mark was stamped on passports, legal documents, and houses.
Jews were confined to Jewish houses or crowded ghettos like Lodz and Warsaw in the east.
Conditions in the ghettos:
Extreme misery, poverty, and deprivation.
Hunger, starvation, and disease were rampant due to poor hygiene and overcrowding.
Jews were forced to surrender all their wealth before entering the ghettos.
Step for Death: Stage 3 - Annihilation (1941 onwards)
Slogan: "You have no right to live."
Mass Deportations:
Jews from ghettos, Jewish houses, and concentration camps were transported to death factories in goods trains.
Notable locations of death camps:
Belzek, Auschwitz, Sobibor, Treblinka, Chelmno, and Majdanek.
Jews were charred in gas chambers, with mass killings executed within minutes using scientific precision.
Concentration camps were enclosed with live wires to prevent escape.
Scenes outside gas chambers included piles of clothing, representing victims’ belongings.
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