Age of the Mauryas : Chandragupta Maurya, Imperial Organisation, Ashoka, Buddhism, Doctrine of Dhamma

Mauryan Dynasty: Chandragupta Maurya & Ashoka

Chandragupta Maurya

Imperial Organization

Important Officers during Mauryan Administration

Title Role
Sitadhyaksha Supervised agriculture
Bandhanagaradhyaksha Looked after the jail
Pautavadhyaksha Superintendent of weight and measure
Panyadhyaksha Incharge of trade and commerce
Lohadhyaksha, Sauvarnika Looked after goods manufactured in the centres
Dandapala Head of Police
Nava Adhyaksha Superintendent of ships
Sulkaadhyaksha Collector of tolls
Annapala Head of Food Grains Department
Durgapal Head of Royal Fort
Koshadhyaksha Treasury Officer
Akaradhyaksha Mining Officer
Nayaka City Security Chief
Vyabharika Chief Judge
Karmantika Head of Industries and Factories
Ayudhagaradhyaksha Looked after production and maintenance of armaments
Swarn Adhyaksha Officer of Gold Department
Kupyadhyaksha Officer of Forest

Ashoka (273-232 B.C.)

Ashoka's Dhamma

Ashoka's Place in History


The Age of the Mauryas: Chandragupta Maurya, Ashoka & their legacy: Chandragupta Maurya
