Detailed overview of the Nebular Hypothesis of Laplace, including its introduction, assumptions, and theoretical framework. Learn about the formation of planets and the Sun, and evaluate the strengths and limitations of Laplace's hypothesis in explaining planetary formation.
Laplace did not describe the source of the origin of the nebula.
He did not explain why only nine rings came out from the irregular ring detached from the nebula.
If the Sun is the remaining nucleus of the nebula, it should have a small bulge around its middle part, but there is no such bulge in the middle part of the Sun.
According to the Nebular Hypothesis, all satellites should revolve in the direction of their father planets, but a few satellites of Saturn and Jupiter revolve in the opposite direction.
The Nebular Hypothesis is unable to explain the peculiar distribution of present-day angular momentum in our solar system.
Outcome: The merit of the theory lies in its being the most acceptable explanation for the layered structure of the Earth’s interior.
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